We all were born in different circumstances with unique opportunities and it’s up to each one of us to make the most of each and every opportunity.
I’ve always believed in turning a negative into a positive, for example, I run a company called F.U.B.A.R. (Friends United Beyond All Race) Entertainment which
originally meant F#@$%& Up Beyond All Recognition. It was a military acronym used during war times describing a region that had been attacked.
We’ve in turn changed the acronym to Friends United Beyond All Race, transforming a destructive acronym into a positive one. Rather than destroy & divide, we are choosing to bring people together for the purpose of making a difference in peoples lives, the community and ultimately our world.
I truly believe we have more in common than we have differences as human beings. With that being said I personally don’t like it when people disregard the uniqueness of who we are culturally and individually, because our differences are what make us stronger.
I feel people should not disregard their heritage for their nationalism.
It bothers me when people are asked about their background and the social pressures suggest “we are not different, we are all “countrymen”.
Whether you are black, indian, asian, white or “other”, we should embrace our heritage and not disregard it.
I am a proud Black AmeriCanadian and when people say to me, “I don’t see you as black”, my reply is “then you don’t see me as who I really am”.
I completely understand why people say that and from what I gather, it’s because they are uncomfortable with ones ethnicity primarily because of history. I would never say to a woman, “I don’t see you as a woman, I see you as a human being”, because that would not be correct.
Although we are all different, regardless of circumstances we each have the power to make a difference right here, right now.
None of us were born to be average, we were all born to do great things with our lives and it is up to us to make good choices with our opportunities.
When I was 15 years old, I remember a man named, Charles Givens who gave a motivational speech and here are two quotes that stuck with me from his message:
#1 – “The best investment you can make is in yourself”
#2 – “You pay for what you don’t know.”
Believe in yourself and never listen to anyone who says “you can’t”. The only people who say you can’t, are the ones who haven’t.
Hope is everything, for without hope we have nothing so our team has put together two F.U.B.A.R. (Friends United Beyond All Race) events for Make-A-Wish BC /Yukon with the intent of giving children with life threatening illnesses HOPE.
Please help us make a difference in our community and the lives of others by supporting F.U.B.A.R. Summer Splash Sunday, August 10th and/or F.U.B.A.R. Golf Classic Sunday, September 7th. If you are unable to attend you can click this link & make a donation here.
Let’s all as individuals and as one people use the greatness inside of us to make a difference in the lives of others and our world.
I hope you feel proud, inspired and empowered by this blog to accomplish the great things you were meant to do.
“Variety is the spice of life and remember, we are all on the same team”
Much Love,
DJ Alibaba
Much Love,
DJ Alibaba
Much Love,
DJ Alibaba